Monday, May 9, 2011

Education in FATA

FATA stands for Federally Administered Trible Areas , The administration constitutes as that each Agency in the seven trible constituencies have one Political Agent , who is representative of Govornor of NWFP and inderectly to the President of Pakistan.

Trible areas have Quota in almost all eductional instituions of pakistan ,where they can submit their application on the bases of their Trible Domicile and they are given admission.

On the otherhand for primary and secondry education there are schools and colleges on Tehsil and Town bases.

The Point i want to raise is that the instituions for primary and secondry education are VERY BADLY failing in educating the trible youngesters in the trible belt.
There are so many reasons , but one of the major reason is Gov't Politcal interest.

The schools for primary educations are awarded in the name of trible leaders , the schools are built by C&W (Construction and works) department , the Contracts are given to the Owner(Trible Elder), secondly the positions for Class 4 ( Chawkedars , Chuprasi or Naib Qasid) are also solely dedicated to the Trible Elders , who can sale these posts also, and the Most worst thing is that the trible leader will be using this building as their HUJRA. 

The Education department in the built have quota for the vacancies of teachers called divisional quota , and those vacancies are filled from local teachers.

These teachers will the Trible Elders will exempt from duties (and no one can oppose due the traditions) and the eduction department in the concerned terretory will also refrain from any action.

For the education for the Children of Trible Elders there are Political Agent Scholorships and funds , there is one Cadit college in Razmak North Wazirastan Agency , and have quota for trible students , where the only merit is the recomendation of Govonor or political agent which means that only the children of influencial people can go their which are mostly children of trible elders.

Ya, in turn the trible elders will always prove theirselves VERY LOYAL to the Government

The result and the consequencies are obvious these days , that the people of trible areas cannot descriminate whether we are granted or bieng exploited.

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