Wednesday, April 13, 2011

US-NATO Fomenting Violence in Dagestan


There are striking similarities among the types of “strategic-violence” that has is systematically happening in Russia’s Dagestan province and Pakistan’s FATA. The same kind of an effort has been successfully foiled by the Pakistani military in Swat in year 2009 when Mullah Fazlalullah literally obliterated Pakistan’s writ from the picturesque valley.

Indiscriminate killings, suicide bombings, random acts of terrorism have terribly affected the normal life in this small internal-republic of the Russian Federation. On April 10, an imam of the Yasnaya Polyana town mosque was killed when two gunmen opened fire on him while the same day, a suicide bomber blew himself up near the police station in Dagestan’s capital Makhachkala. Russia’s spokesman of National Anti-terrorism Committee, Nikolai Sintsov termed the attack a coward act of terrorism and noted that the militants carried out the attack. The situation in Dagestan, since the American occupation of Afghanistan, has consistently deteriorated and there are strange dichotomies between the dual standing of the US on this issue. Very blatantly, the same incidents happening in Afghanistan would be termed as terrorism by the US-NATO alliance while such incidents are officially termed as “unrest” by the US-NATO political and administrative officials.

It is also worth observing the decline in the law and order situation especially after the US-NATO’s occupation in Afghanistan where they have now established their operational basis which, according to observers of the region, are being used to destabilize the whole region, including the internal-republics of the Russian Federation. An Afghanistan under the occupation has become a country being used for destabilizing rest of the region and Pakistan, particularly, has paid, and still continues to pay, a heavy price. It is a known fact that the successive US administrations have used the Islamic militants as a strategic tool and the recent history is full of incidents that speak of the closeness that the US security services “enjoy” with the extremists.

Afghanistan, under the supervision of the Americans, was turned into the den of extremists elements during the 1980s and now apparently battling them, the US-NATO nexus has systematically supported the militants to wreck social peace, economy and law and order in the neighboring countries. An interesting fact is that the cases of terrorist violence were extremely low or non-existence before the American invasion of Afghanistan but now the reality has changed. There is a terrorist attack somewhere in the region on almost daily basis and terrorists cannot do that without proper planning and financing.

A big question is as to who in the region has the capacity of providing financial, tactical and logistical support to the terrorist networks in the region?

The answer is clear!

Tags: Afghanistan, Americans, Dagestan, FATA, Islamic militants, Mullah Fazlalullah, NATO, Pakistan, Pakistani military, Russia, Swat, Terrorism, US

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